Android Class Conctructor

Problem: Let's say you write a lot of applications and programs for the android platform. And there comes a time when you need to use dynamic lists, such as Recycler View. For those who do not know - every time you create a list, you need to create a class that describes all the variables that going to  be displayed in the list. Example of this:

So i decided to code my own class constructor, to make my life easier and to practice skills, of course. As a programming language, I chose JavaScript. Because, I more or less familiar with it. At first I wanted to use selectpicker for variable types, but because I wanted to do it quickly, i had to forget about it. The principle is very simple - type the name of the variable, its type, click "add". Then come up with the name of our class, click "play" ... PROFIT! This is a prototype version with github's theme.

Add some buttons, design... That's it. Final version available on